Monday, August 2, 2010

July's Book Report

Nightlife by Thomas Perry
Another stand alone Perry book that gives us both perspectives - the chasers and the con. It starts in Portland, Oregon and moves south. Good read!

Runner by Thomas Perry
Jane is back and helping a pregnant girl run from the baby's father's family. It's a first in the Jane stories where the runner makes one big mistake.

Fidelity by Thomas Perry
Only read half of this book and that was pushing it -- no plot development

Third Person Singular by K.J. Erickson
First of the Marshall Bahr books. It got lots of awards in 2001 and it was Okay, just not a page turner, up all night book.

Strip by Thomas Perry
A strip club owner, 2 crazy robbers, an innocent bystander and a lieutenant all in the mix. A fun read - just not great.

The Dead Survivors by K.J. Erickson
Great history background to point the direction to the perp. A flag, a trip to Virginia and Bahr gets the job done.

The Last Witness by K. J. Erickson
Long, drawn out with a few clues and a snap ending. Not much of a story.

Along At Night by K. J. Erickson
Not a murder but a mystery of events. A good book, but in Erickson style = short on clues, short on discovery with a quick ending that was pulled out of the air. Her last book. K.J. Erickson is a female writing in the voice of a male hero and it shows - she just doesn't pull it off well.

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