Friday, January 1, 2010

Once in a Blue Moon

We won't see another New Year's Eve Blue Moon until 2028/2029 -- not that we saw this one. With an overcast and rainy night, the 19 year event wasn't viewed in the northwest. But, that's OKay, we can all claim that we have lived 1% of this millenium. Welcome to 2010!

RES•O•LU•TION rez-uh-loo-shuhn noun
1. a firm decision to do something or not

I don't make New Year Resolutions, but I do set goals for myself that I would like to accomplish in the new year. It's a chance for a new beginning, a fresh start. And if I don't actually accomplish those goals, that's OK --- I always have next year to start over, again. You know what's next --- a list of my 2010 goals --- or not.
But, here's one that I will do (I'd love to say "try to do" - but in the wise wisdom of Yoda, "Do or Do Not, there is no Try", I'm going to commit to keeping a daily journal of events, thoughts, ideas and amusing tales throughout 2010. A diary of sorts. The last one I kept records in was called My Dairy (I did not get the spelling gene in my DNA) and it recorded my young teen years in Wisconsin, the boy I was simply in love with (Joe, you still out there?) and my interpretation of the world I lived in, but mostly about the boy I was smitten with.
A journal is a record of our journey through life. The good, the bad and the ugly plus the pretty stuff that is thrown in our path. Happy New Year Everyone, make it a good one!

1 comment:

  1. What a great goal! Mine is to get into grad school and start in the Fall of 2010. I know it will happen and I can't wait to walk around a campus again!
