Wednesday, February 9, 2011

On Writing.....

Last week, PBS News Hour's Jeffery Brown interviewed Roger Rosenblatt a journalist, author, winner of many awards and teacher of writing. In discussing his latest book, Unless It Moves The Human Heart, he mentions the 4 reasons to write:
• to make suffering endurable
• evil intelligible
• justice desirable
• and love possible
To rise above the first three to obtain the fourth; love possible.
In his college courses, The Art Of Writing - Writing is Everything, he teaches to write:
Anticipation rather than Surprise
Imagination rather than Invention
Precision and Restraint
And finally he feels that writing should be useful to the world

Words for thought
Blogging is all about (well, 80%) the written word. Blogging is not necessarily a frivolous activity, it takes planning and thought to put words out there. To put words out there that others will read and to make comments on your ideas, thoughts, words and will come back for more.  We all strive to give our readers something to think about and make love possible. Mr. Rosenblatt may not be talking about blog writing per se,  but this recent form of writing is still writing - So, keep writing, exploring new ideas and sharing with the class fellow bloggers and keep the written words alive and well.  thank you.....

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