Friday, April 9, 2010

Journaling: Technique #6 - again

Here's a list of lists to consider when using the List of 100 from yesterday's technique topic.
1. 100 things I'm grateful for
2. 100 things I'm good at
3. 100 things I like about myself
4. 100 things I love
5. 100 things I hate
6. 100 things it's time to let go of
7. 100 things I miss
8. 100 excuses I make for myself
9. 100 movies I love
10. 100 mistakes I've made
11. 100 adjectives describing myself
12. 100 ways I hide out
13. 100 things it's time to face
14. 100 things I could write about
15. 100 talents I have
16. 100 fears I have right now
17. 100 things I'll never do again
18. 100 things that make me laugh/cry
19. 100 things I want for my birthday
20. 100 marketing ideas for my business
21. 100 skills I have
22. 100 childhood memories
23. 100 ways I waste my time
24. 100 things that turn me on
25. 100 things to write a list of 100 about
and so on and so on and so on...........

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